Blink Eyecare will be closed to routine examinations and walk-ins due to the COVID-19 pandemic until further notice. We will be available if you are experiencing an eye emergency or have other urgent needs. Please call our office number at 757-428-1675 or email us at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We will be monitoring both closely.
If you still have glasses or contact lenses that were ordered and need to be picked up, we will have some limited hours for pick-up. Please just call the office number ahead to schedule an appointment for pick-up. We can also mail your items if needed, at no additional cost. We will still be able to place your contact lens orders, take payment over the phone and they will be shipped directly to your home at no additional cost during this time.
Thank you for your patience and understanding of our efforts to limit the spread of the virus and protect the health and safety of our patients, staff and community. We will be calling those patients that have appointments scheduled to get you rescheduled as needed. Please be safe and take care of yourselves!
Dr. Erin Vogt Stromberg